ist sicher ein LKW-Fernfahrer, die sind Wochen Monatelang unterwegs, die wohnen in den LKWs und haben selten die möglichkeit sich zu waschen oder legen kein wert darauf. Solche tun mir leid, wünschte ich musste bei so einer Person in den LKW steigen und mich einfach so Ficken lassen oder das ich mit ihm in ein WC gehen muss und so Ficken lassen.
is certainly a long-distance truck driver, they are on the road for weeks and months, they live in the trucks and rarely have the opportunity to wash themselves or do not attach importance to it. I'm sorry for that, wish I had to get into the truck with such a person and just let me be fucked like that or that I had to go into a toilet with him and let him be fucked like that.
is certainly a long-distance truck driver, they are on the road for weeks and months, they live in the trucks and rarely have the opportunity to wash themselves or do not attach importance to it. I'm sorry for that, wish I had to get into the truck with such a person and just let me be fucked like that or that I had to go into a toilet with him and let him be fucked like that.